
中学 Curriculum

Just the Right Mix of Breadth 和 Depth

Throughout the 中学 experience, we believe that providing both a breadth of core classes 和 chances for girls to delve deeply into topics that are of interest to them builds foundational knowledge 和 mastery in key content areas while providing developmentally appropriate independence. In both their core 和 elective experiences, students are challenged to collaborate in teams, grapple with authentic problems, 和 listen to diverse perspectives.


计算机科学 & 技术
Creative Programming I 和 Keyboarding
Creative Programming II 和 Robotics
技术 elective (once during grade 7 和 8)
英语 5 和 Reading/Writing Workshop
英语 6 和 Reading/Writing Workshop 英语 7 和 Reading/Writing Workshop 英语 8 和 Reading/Writing Workshop
古老的历史  中世纪历史 United States 历史 Twentieth Century 历史
Integrated Studies Projects Ellis Entrepreneurs 和 Ellis Earthkeeping Experience (E3) Ellis Entrepreneurs 和 Medieval Faire 全球匹兹堡: Immigration Study 和 Feeding Ourselves 和 Others Engineering Design Challenge
数学 5 和 数学 Workshop
数学 6 or Pre-algebra 和 数学 Workshop Pre-algebra or Algebra I 和 数学 Workshop Introduction to Algebra or Algebra I or Geometry 和 数学 Workshop
普通音乐5 one performing arts elective
普通音乐6  one performing arts elective
普通音乐7  one performing arts elective
普通音乐8  one performing arts elective
体育课 和 Health
体育课 和 Health 体育课 体育课 体育课
Integrated 科学 5
Integrated 科学 6 Integrated 科学 7 Integrated 科学 8
French 1A, Latin 1A或者西班牙语 1A
法语IB,拉丁语 IB或者西班牙语 IB French IIA, Latin IIA或者西班牙语 IIA

Highlights in 中学


  • 中学 Olympiad | 年级s 5–8

    Ellis students flex their creative, 知识, 和 physical muscles once a year when they take part in the annual 中学 Olympiad. The Olympiad brings together grades 5 through 8 for an event-packed day full of fun, friendly competition, 和团队合作. 整整一天, students participate in a rotation of challenges 和 tests that vary from trivia to design as they strive to take home the gold medal 和 bragging rights as Olympiad champions. Modeled on the real Olympics, complete with team names, 横幅, 制服, opening 和 closing ceremonies, 和奖励, students enjoy a day of healthy competition. Olympiad unites students across grade levels 和 gives them a chance to meet new friends, exhibit different skill sets, 和 take on leadership responsibilities. This spirited pause from the normal routine lets students unleash their creative energy in a positive, joyful learning environment. The celebration of teamwork 和 sports(wo)manship encourages students to work together, 妥协, 和 think outside the box.
  • Ellis Earthkeeping Experience | 五年级

    In the Ellis Earthkeeping Experience, students develop an awareness of their importance to the environment. They explore the basic tenet of environmental sustainability: becoming more green 和 less wasteful. 五年级 students combine current events, 历史, environmental science, 和 business in this unique experience. Trips include visits to an apple orchard 和 a water treatment facility. Students recognize their potential to better care for the environment through a personal commitment.
  • Medieval Faire | 6年级

    To give students a taste of life during the middle ages, faculty present Medieval Faire, a two-day immersion that combines pieces of the 历史 和 英语 curricula in a unique, interdisciplinary way. Girls build 和 launch catapults; partake in a jousting competition; 和 hold an authentic Medieval feast complete with costumes, 娱乐, 和 peasants who only get to eat if the nobility leave them leftovers.
  • 全球匹兹堡 | 7年级

    The seventh grade 顶石项目, 全球匹兹堡, is designed for students to explore how people are interconnected through neighborhoods, the city of Pittsburgh, 和 the larger world. The project highlights the Nationality Rooms in the Cathedral of Learning, Teeny Harris’ photography, 和 Pittsburgh’s attic at the Heinz 历史 Center. Students work in small groups to research how immigration to Pittsburgh has shaped our city from the 1800s to current trends, 和 they hear from a variety of guest speakers, including refugee caseworkers. The culminating experience is attending the naturalization ceremony of new U.S. 公民.
  • Toy Car Challenge | 8年级

    A culmination of the 中学 experience, this 顶石项目 challenges grade 8 students to synthesize their skills across a multitude of disciplines to develop 和 deliver prototypes of electric gear-driven toys. In the final week of the school year, students apply the engineering design process to meet a specific set of design requirements. They conduct consumer interviews, 画出草图, 使用模型, calculate gear ratios, 写提案, 和 present their prototypes to a panel of judges. This deep dive assignment not only teaches students to manage their time 和 workload, but bolsters their presentation 和 public speaking skills as they prepare for the final project presentation. This interdisciplinary project strengthens the 知识, 技术, 和 social abilities students assimilate throughout 中学. 8年级 students research, 分析, 和 define challenges 和 work within constraints while honing leadership, 协作, 和 communication skills.

中学 Elective Examples


  • 乐队

  • 合唱

  • 创意写作

  • 跳舞

  • FIRST LEGO League (Robotics)

  • 未来的城市

  • 会编程的女孩

  • 全球公民

  • 漫画小说

  • Honors String Ensemble

  • Introduction to Podcasting

  • iOS应用设计

  • 制造商商店

  • Mix 和 Splice: A Creative Music 技术 Course

  • 移动机器人

  • Pennsylvania Junior Academy of 科学 (PJAS)

  • 短篇小说研讨会

  • 字符串

  • 戏剧作品

  • 剧场技术


Head of 中学

The 中学 curriculum at Ellis prioritizes authentic exploration 和 real-world connection in academic classes, while also ensuring a healthy balance of physical 和 social-emotional education as we foster the growth of the whole child. Students have their core academic classes—英语, 历史, 数学, 科学, 和 World Language—in the morning, rounded out with performing 和 visual arts, 选修课, 体育课, 俱乐部, 和 opportunities for interdisciplinary connection 和 extension in the afternoon. We also have daily 和 weekly opportunities to meet in grade levels 和 as a whole middle school to build community 和 connection. Our daily schedule begins 和 ends with time in advisory groups to anchor the day in supportive cohorts to reflect on the prior day 和 preview the one to come.

Research tells us that girls learn best when they see real-world application in the content they’re covering, when they collaborate with their peers in meaningful ways, when they experience firsth和 the concepts they’re investigating, 和 when they have choice in what they want to learn more about 和 how they wish to express their 理解. These factors drive our teachers’ instruction 和 create a rich incubator in which 知识 curiosity can thrive. Students are asked not just to share their answer to a question, but to explain how they arrived at that answer 和 why they believe it to be true. By practicing metacognition (the skill of thinking about their thinking), students get to know themselves better as learners 和 are able to articulate the ways they have applied class content in different contexts.
By working in highly collaborative environments, students learn about 和 from one another, helping each student grow into a more empathetic, 理解, 和 well-rounded individual. As we prepare our students to enter a truly globalized world, it’s essential that students have the competency 和 practice to appreciate 和 learn from those with differing backgrounds, 信仰, 技能水平. When everyone brings their authentic self to school, 和 recognizes 和 respects the same of her peers, it creates the positive learning environment that makes Ellis such a vibrant, 包容的地方.

Our classrooms are safe environments for risk-taking, where mistakes are celebrated 和 asking questions is an essential part of the learning process. Student interest 和 inquiry drives classroom activities 和 discussions, 和 our schedule supports opportunities for further interdisciplinary projects 和 grade-wide initiatives throughout the year. The Ellis 中学 curriculum introduces a wide array of topics 和 modes of learning, granting our students the independence 和 autonomy to choose where they want to delve deeper 和 learn more.

中学 Faculty Directory

Read More from 詹•莫伊尼汉, Head of 中学